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M. Phil. in Medieval Studies

Coordinator: Dr Peter Crooks

The taught MPhil in Medieval Studies equips students with the critical skills needed for in-depth work on medieval texts, sources, and artefacts, and provides an introduction to what different disciplinary methods offer the medievalist while permitting students to specialise in particular approaches in accordance with their interests. The teaching on the programme takes full advantage of Trinity’s world-leading holdings of medieval manuscripts and other artefacts, as well as those of other Dublin institutions.  Opportunities are also available for students to explore the built remains of medieval Ireland.

All full-time students take three core modules of 5 ECTS - Sources for Medieval Studies I and II and Introduction to Medieval Books and Documents – and write a dissertation worth 30 ECTS. Part-time students take these core modules in their first year and a range of option modules in their second year. Further requirements depend on the choice of strand and more details are given on the appropriate pages below. Enquiries about the individual strands may also be addressed to the strand co-ordinators: History (Dr Immo Warntjes); Language and Literature (Dr Alice Jorgensen); Culture and Civilisation (Dr Peter Crooks).

Medieval Studies Handbook

Medieval Studies Brochure


Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships are awarded to high calibre students from non-EEA countries to study in Ireland for a period of one year. They provide a €10,000 stipend towards living costs and Trinity provides a full fee-waiver to recipients for one year. Further information is available here

All applicants will automatically be considered for the following internal awards:

  1. The Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship, with a value of 3000 euro, is usually offered to a student in any of the School's MPhil programmes.
  2. The School of Histories and Humanities also offers one bursary of 1000 euro, to be deducted from the course fees, for each of its MPhil programmes.

Awards will be made on academic merit. All completed applications with an unconditional offer by the deadline of June 30th will be considered for the internal awards.