Postgraduate Study
The School of Histories and Humanities offers nine taught M.Phil. (Master’s) programmes and the opportunity to pursue research degrees under supervision through the M.Litt. and structured PhD programmes. All our postgraduate programmes are designed to hone analytical, written and verbal communication skills and deepen critical understanding of a particular subject. We have a strong tradition of interdisciplinary collaboration in research and teaching, and links with leading cultural institutions in Dublin and beyond. Our postgraduate students join a diverse community of internationally recognised scholars, and benefit from access to world-class research archives including papyri, medieval manuscripts, early printed books and other unique primary source material. The College Library also has over 64 million books.
The School of Histories and Humanities is home to eight specialist Research Centres, and runs research seminar series in Classics, Contemporary Irish History, Early Modern History, Gender Studies, History of Art, Medieval History, and War Studies. A College-wide support system provides language support, skills training, career guidance and pastoral care for postgraduate students.