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Funding Opportunities for Postgraduate Study

A variety of funding opportunities are available to research students in the School of Histories and Humanities.

Information from Graduate Studies Office in relation to funding can be found on the GSO website

Research Ireland – Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarships


New and continuing research students (PhD and MLitt programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, and Gender and Women’s Studies)


A stipend of €19,000 per annum for up to 4 years; eligible direct research expenses of €3,250 per annum; a contribution to student fees, including non-EU fees, up to a maximum of €5,750 per annum. The differential between the IRC fees contribution and the actual student fees (EU or non-EU) is waived by Trinity College Dublin.


External process, see Autumn 2024 deadline for funding from September 2025.


You can apply for IRC funding before you start your degree or in Years 1-2 of the PhD. The call is generally issued around the start of September with an application deadline in October. Students should liaise with their (intended) supervisor in planning and preparing an application and follow the guidance provided by the IRC and the School. The School will send out an email notification when the call is issued, advertise information sessions, and arrange an internal process for vetting applications, This process has an internal deadline several weeks before the IRC applicant deadline and is mandatory for School approval. For procedures and deadlines contact

Research Ireland – Enterprise Partnership Scheme


New and continuing research students (PhD and MLitt programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, and Gender and Women’s Studies)


A stipend of €19,000 per annum for up to 4 years; eligible direct research expenses of €3,250 per annum; a contribution to student fees, including non-EU fees, up to a maximum of €5,750 per annum. The differential between the IRC fees contribution and the actual student fees (EU or non-EU) is waived by Trinity College Dublin.


External process: Autumn 2024 deadline for funding from September 2025.


You can apply for IRC funding for the research before you start your degree or in Years 1-2 of the PhD. An enterprise partner can be a company, registered charity, social, cultural or not-for-profit civic organisation, state-owned enterprise or an eligible public body that will co-fund the researcher for the duration of the award. The enterprise partner is expected to commit €9,500 annually towards the cost of funding the researcher. The enterprise partner can be based nationally or internationally. Eligible NGOs can request a fee waiver in respect of their contribution for the first year of the award. Students should liaise with their (intended) supervisor in planning and preparing an application and follow the guidance provided by the IRC and the School. For internal School procedures and vetting deadlines contact

Research Ireland – Employment-Based Postgraduate Programme


New and continuing research students (PhD and MLitt programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, and Gender and Women’s Studies)


A contribution of €19,000 to the awardee’s employment costs for up to 4 years; eligible direct research expenses of €3,250 per annum; a contribution to student fees, including non-EU fees, up to a maximum of €5,750 per annum. The differential between the IRC fees contribution and the actual student fees (EU or non-EU) is waived by Trinity College Dublin.


External process: Autumn 2024 deadline for funding from September 2025.


You can apply for IRC funding before you start your degree or in Years 1-2 of the PhD. The employment-based scheme provides awardees with the opportunity to pursue research in collaboration with a higher education institution while based in, and employed by, their employment partner. An employment partner can be a company, registered charity, social, cultural or not-for-profit civic organisation, state-owned enterprise or an eligible public body that will co-fund the researcher for the duration of the award. Students should liaise with their (intended) supervisor in planning and preparing an application and follow the guidance provided by the IRC and the School. For internal School procedures and vetting deadlines contact

School of Histories and Humanities Research Doctorate Award


New research students (PhD. and MLitt programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, and Gender and Women’s Studies)


A stipend of €25,000 per annum for up to 4 years; full waiver of student fees, including non-EU fees.


All full-time PhD students (EU and non-EU) who apply to the School by 1 April and indicate in their application that they want to be considered for funding are automatically considered for nomination for this award.


Students should liaise with their intended supervisor in preparing their application to the PhD programme and developing their research proposal. For queries contact

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Doctorate Awards


New research students (PhD programmes in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, including the programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, and Gender and Women’s Studies)


A stipend of €25,000 per annum for up to 4 years; full waiver of student fees, including non-EU fees.


All full-time PhD students (EU and non-EU) who apply to the School by 1 April and indicate in their application that they want to be considered for funding are automatically considered for nomination to the Faculty award competition. Nominees will be asked to complete an additional application form.


Students should liaise with their intended supervisor in preparing their application to the PhD programme and developing their research proposal. For queries contact

Staff- and Student-PI led Trinity Research Doctorate Awards


Recently-appointed academic staff members, to recruit a new research student in their area of research (PhD programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, or Gender and Women’s Studies)


A stipend of €25,000 per annum for up to 4 years; full waiver of student fees, including non-EU fees.

Apply Spring deadline for funding from September. Queries to


This scheme funds up to 12 proposals for (1) a particular research project which an early-career member of Trinity’s academic staff is undertaking or proposes to undertake; or (2) joint projects by the applicant doctoral student with the early career supervisor. Successful PIs in category (1) normally recruit their PhD student in June-July for September entry.

Group-based Trinity Research Doctorate Awards


Interdisciplinary research groups of academic staff members, representing at least 3 Schools, to recruit 4 new PhD students per group within their Schools


A stipend of €25,000 per annum for up to 4 years; full waiver of student fees, including non-EU fees.

Apply Spring deadline for funding from September.


This scheme funds 3 multi/interdisciplinary PI/Co-PI teams (four members or more), representing at least three different Schools from across at least two Faculties. Successful groups normally recruit their PhD students in June-July for September entry. See further; queries to

Trinity Research Doctorate Awards for Students of Sanctuary


New PhD students who are currently in the international protection system, temporary protection, seeking asylum, or have refugee status or permission to remain in Ireland on humanitarian grounds


A stipend of €25,000 per annum for up to 4 years; full waiver of student fees, including non-EU fees.

Apply; queries to


Applicants must have received an unconditional offer for admission to the full-time PhD research register in Trinity College Dublin with support of an academic supervisor. This implies that applicants will have met all academic requirements including English language requirements. They must currently be in the international protection system, temporary protection, seeking asylum, or have refugee status or permission to remain in Ireland on humanitarian grounds; and be residing in the Republic of Ireland. Candidates apply for admission to the full-time PhD register in Trinity via as normal and must liaise directly with the potential primary supervisor before application. Once applicants have an offer for admission to the full-time PhD register, they must complete the separate online application process for the Trinity Research Doctorate Sanctuary Award.

China Scholarship Council


Chinese nationals who have been offered a place on a PhD programme in Trinity College Dublin (including the PhD programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, and Gender and Women’s Studies)


Each scholarship includes a full fee-waiver from Trinity, and a stipend for living costs, airfare and health insurance provided by the CSC. Bench fees, conference travel costs and other research expenses are not included.

Apply; queries to


Applicants must have received an unconditional offer for admission to the full-time PhD research register in Trinity College Dublin with support of an academic supervisor. This implies that applicants will have met all academic requirements including English language requirements. Once applicants have an offer for admission to the full-time PhD register, they must complete the separate online application process for the CSC Scholarship.

McDowell Memorial Studentship in History


New PhD students in History


A stipend of €25,000 per annum for up to 4 years; full waiver of student fees, including non-EU fees.


See Advertised annually in the spring for entry in September or March. A separate application procedure applies. One award is made annually.


Robert Brendan McDowell (1913-2011) was Professor of History at Trinity College Dublin. First appointed as lecturer in 1945, he worked at Trinity until retirement and continued to reside on campus until he was 94. On his death in 2011, he left a generous bequest to the History Department, which has been used to fund postgraduate studentships. Students should liaise with their intended supervisor in preparing their applications to the McDowell Scholarship and PhD programme, and developing their research proposal. For queries contact

John Dillon Fellowship in Ancient Philosophy


New and continuing PhD students, EU and non-EU, whose thesis topic is in the field of ancient philosophy. Previous recipients of the fellowship are eligible to apply again.


This one-year fellowship covers a stipend of €13,500 and PhD fees up to and including non-EU fees.



New students who apply for admission by 1 April will automatically be considered for this award, provided that their thesis proposal is in the field of ancient philosophy. Continuing students wishing to be considered for the fellowship should contact Dr Alison Fernandes ( before 1 April.

Cornelia Maxwell M.Phil. Awards in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences


New taught Master’s students who have accepted a place on an M.Phil. course in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, including the nine M.Phil. courses in the School of Histories and Humanities


A partial fee-waiver of €3,000.

Apply Applicants who have accepted a place on one of the School’s 9 taught M.Phil. courses will be automatically considered for these awards. Nominated applicants may be asked to submit additional application materials.


In 1939 Constantia Maxwell became the college's first woman professor (economic history), and in 1945 she succeeded to the Lecky professorship of modern history, becoming the first woman to hold an established full-time chair in Trinity College Dublin. One award is available per School. Candidates are assessed on academic merit, judged by their academic transcripts, academic references and motivational statement, taken either from their application to the course or submitted as part of a separate award application. For queries contact

School of Histories and Humanities M.Phil. Entry Awards


New taught Master’s students who have accepted a place on one of the nine M.Phil. courses in the School of Histories and Humanities.


A partial fee-waiver of €1,000.


Applicants who have accepted a place on one of the School’s 9 taught M.Phil. courses will be automatically considered for these awards. One award is available per course.


Candidates are assessed on academic merit, judged by their academic transcripts, academic references and motivational statement, taken from their application to the course. For queries contact

Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships


Applicants who have accepted a place on one of the taught Masters courses in Trinity, including the nine taught M.Phil. courses in the School of Histories and Humanities; or one of the PhD programmes in Trinity, including the PhD programmes in History, Classics, History of Art and Architecture, and Gender and Women’s Studies


A full tuition fee waiver for one year of a taught Master’s degree programme or one year of a research programme (i.e. one year of a two-year research Master's or a four-year Ph.D.); and a monthly stipend directed at supporting student costs and living expenses.



Applicants must have a domiciliary of origin outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland/United Kingdom; and have a conditional or final offer for admission to Trinity as a full-time, international, fee-paying student.

Awards in Individual Disciplines and other Sources of Funding

A limited number of awards are available in individual Departments within the School. See and, for awards available in History, Additional awards are advertised from time to time, for example, PhD scholarships associated with Group-based Trinity Research Doctorate Awards, European Research Council projects, or PI-led Irish Research Council projects such as IRC Laureate and IRC/SFI Pathway projects. These scholarships are typically restricted to new entrants.

Irish Higher Education Grants – Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI)

Irish research students who meet the qualifying social welfare payment and (strict) income conditions may be eligible for a grant under the SUSI Student Grant Scheme. Grants may cover up to the full cost of tuition. They do not include maintenance. For further information see

Trinity Trust Postgraduate Travel Grants

These travel grants are awarded to continuing research students for attendance at conferences related to their research or to carry out research abroad to supplement research undertaken in Dublin. Application must be made in advance of the planned travel (deadlines 1 September, 1 December, 1 March, 2 June). Go to to download supporting documents and complete the online application form. Further information on the School approval procedure is available in the School’s Postgraduate Research Handbook. Some Departments in the School also have travel funds for which research students may in some cases be able to apply; please consult your supervisor or Head of Department.

Postgraduate Student Assistance Fund (Hardship Fund)

Registered postgraduates in need may apply to the Postgraduate Advisory Service for some financial assistance to help with living expenses and, in certain circumstances, for a waiver/refund of the Student Levies and Charges (SLC). For details see  All applications are assessed individually against the funds available and an award is made against a specific cost (e.g. rent, childcare, emergency medical expenses). Due to the limited funds available, the number of successful recipients and amounts awarded varies each year.  Unfortunately, there is no Financial Assistance available to help students with tuition fees.