Alumni & Friends
To all our graduates and those who have studied with us for shorter periods as visitors, I extend a warm welcome to the School of Histories and Humanities website. We hope you will enjoy keeping track of what is going on in the School. Even in difficult financial times we have enjoyed great success. The College is in the process of developing a new and intensive international policy, a vital part of which involves a much closer relationship with our alumni than we have had in the past. The essence of the relationship is keeping in touch. We will be posting on our website information on events, achievements, news, on a regular basis, and sending departmental newsletters (electronically, and in hard copy for those of you who, as I do, still prefer paper). You, we hope, will tell us your stories. So do, please, contact us by email, facebook or letter. We will greatly look forward to hearing from you.
- The Classics department Alumni page
- The History department Alumni page
- The History of Art and Architecture department Alumni page
- The Centre for Gender & Women's Studies Alumni Page
Grad Link Career Mentoring Programme

The School launched its first Careers Mentoring Programme - 'GradLink' in 2012. This programme offers Junior Sophister students an opportunity to be mentored by graduates of the Department, now working in a diverse range of careers. Students benefit enormously from the exchange of ideas with graduates and gain useful insights into how they can best manage their career development. The programme runs over the course of the academic year, with a launch event in October and 2-3 further meetings between mentors and their mentees. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact
For further information on the programme please see:
Please click here to view a video of the Mid-way mentoring event:
Share Your Experiences
Have you started a company? Climbed the corporate ladder? Done something wild and unexpected? We encourage alumni to come back to campus and speak to undergraduate and graduate students about their experiences. If you are interested, please contact
Be an Ambassador
We invite all alumni to stay connected. The Department of History has an ambitious agenda for the development of its activities for the next decade, aimed at positioning Trinity among the world's top History departments. Graduates are encouraged to serve as History's ambassadors. For further information, feel free to contact us
Alumni & Friends, Trinity College Dublin
The Trinity Alumni Office is responsible for keeping all alumni (and friends) in touch with the College and each other through regular communications, events, regional branches and affinity groups.
Just because you've graduated doesn't mean your link with Trinity has been broken - your alumni connection is for life. Update your details on the alumni website so we can keep you up to date on the events, benefits, services and networks available.
With over 90,000 alumni scattered across the globe, there is a tremendous resource for networking and staying in touch with people who have shared the Trinity experience.
In challenging times, it's natural to concentrate our generosity on the people and causes that really matter. Which is why, as a Trinity graduate, we are asking you to consider making a donation to our Alumni Appeal.
When you make a donation to Trinity, you're not just sustaining a centuries old tradition of excellence. Donations to the Alumni Appeal will make a vital contribution to a better future for our people, country, and planet. Donations will be passed in their entirety to support scholarships in the school. Seventy-five percent of your gift will be allocated to support postgraduate research students and other scholars. The remaining twenty-five percent will be used to support bright students in the school from lower income groups.