M. Phil. in Medieval Studies
Language & Literature Strand

The M.Phil in Medieval Studies has a common set of entry criteria and leads to a Master's degree in Medieval Studies in one of three specialisms: History, Language and Literature, and Culture and Civilisation.
The Language and Literature strand allows students to study the rich literature of medieval Europe, both Latin and vernacular. It offers an unrivalled opportunity for students to develop their language skills by taking up to two languages, including one to advanced level. Students also choose from a wide range of option modules focused on different literatures and sub-periods, but which together address key issues about medieval texts’ social, philosophical, literary and linguistic aspects.
In addition to the modules core to the programme (Sources for Medieval Studies I and II and Introduction to Medieval Books and Documents) and the dissertation, students on the Language and Literature strand take a further core module in Reading Medieval Books and Documents (5 ECTS), study a medieval language (10 ECTS), then choose 30 ECTS of optional modules, including, if they wish, a second medieval language.
Enquiries may be made to the Language and Literature strand co-ordinator Dr Alice Jorgensen